After careful consideration among the MTRA board of directors and side committees, a decision has been made on how to move forward with the management council. Discussions started in the January conference call among MTRA directors and have continued for several weeks. The proper course of action has been determined. In honor of friend, George Eisenhart who was currently serving as a director and President of the MTRA, the remaining board has elected to leave his director seat open for a minimum period of 3 months. Should circumstances dictate a need to change that direction, the board will revisit it as needed. We will continue to move forward and work in the same positive manner that George displayed to us all.
In addition to that, Marty Garza has accepted our unanimous request to take an expanded role in the MTRA as a consultant to the board. Marty will take part in the monthly conference calls and/or meetings held be the MTRA board of directors, technical advisors, and promoter advisors. “We all believe that Marty was an instrumental part in George’s efforts to create a refreshed MTRA system that better serves the industry. It is fitting that as we honor George’s memory we also bring in a person that worked closely with him over the last year in that capacity,” said Vice President, Tim Hall.
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The Board of Directors